A note from the President
Communication Concepts was started in 1984 soon after the break-up of AT&T. In the first few years, my concentration was in cost management consulting and traffic management while employed in a large corporation environment. I worked closely with the Baby Bell companies to learn all of their services, features, and understand their features and billing. At this same time I also managed, programmed and maintained an AT&T System 85 which was the first and only System 85 in Tennessee. The System 85 was AT&T's first digital PBX and at that time, ours ran 600+ phones in 5 facilities connected with private cable. I was fortunate during this time to have been able to work with and learn from some of the most experienced AT&T technicians in the country.
Some scenes from Tennessee and the things we enjoy.
Around 1987 I started selling and installing small and medium size analog KEY systems. As this business grew there were more opportunities in the telecommunication field. In 1990, I acquired a Cellular agency with Bellsouth Mobility as well as agency agreements with pager carriers. The cellular agencies came to include Cellular One, GTE, Nextel, Sprint PCS, AT&T Wireless and a few others. Prior to and during this time, I built long-lasting Authorized Dealerships with Samsung, Sprint Products Group, Tadiran , Callware Technologies, Engenius and many others.
I remained in the Cellular business until around 2007, but telephone equipment and service were always the core business of Communication Concepts. I and my staff have worked on about every brand of system that has been manufactured, installed about every kind of accessory, dealt with about every type of trouble known to a telephone, and been involved in the evolution of telecommunications as we know it today. I have seen many changes over the years with phones going from 1A2 key systems to analog and digital key systems to voice over IP and off-site phone systems. I've seen computer wiring go from Token Ring to Cat4, 5, 5e and 6 and now fiber to the desktop. Internet connections have gone from 24.4Kbps dial-up to ISDN to DSL and Cable with speeds of 100Mbps. I currently use fiber optic with 1Gbps capability. There just isn't much in the industry that I have not been involved in.
In all of these 30 plus years of changes and advancements, Communication Concepts has remained on the cutting edge of technology and were the first to provide many services in our area. We plan on continuing to do this.
Will Harris